Schweden im Regen
Wenn ich an Schweden denke, dann kommen mir Kanelbullar (Zimtschnecken), rote Häuschen im Märchenwald am See und wunderbare Familienurlaube im hohen Norden in den Sinn. Meine Schwester und ich haben in diesem Sommer eine Art Schweden-Revival gemacht, wollten uns endlich mal Stockholm…
Berlin, Berlin, I am going to Berlin!
This city is worth a trip every time. You can always discover something new, even if you go places you thought you already knew. This time I was there for an interview. Took me to Schöneberg, where I was walking…

İstiklal Caddesi – Centre of the modern Istanbul
Have a çay (turkish black tea) at a teaplace at the Haçapulco Pasajı or buy a bag of kestane (chestnuts) from one of the many street stands. Or take the old tram from Taksim Square to Tünel. You can find all…

October 29th – The Day of the Republic
On October 29 Turkey celebrates the Republic Day. This day marks the foundation of the Turkish Republic after the countries victory in the War of Independence (1919-23). Today 89 years ago the old constitution of the Ottoman Empire was replaced…

The mosques and the muezzins
After living in Istanbul for a while now I don´t even recognize it any more, but everyone who visits or is new in the city does: The voices of the muezzins sound five times a day from the minaret of…

Fisherman´s dream
To me there is almost no better place to be in Istanbul than standing on the Galata bridge in Eminönü watching the fisherman with their poles. They just talk, eat and wait for the small and big catches. Before sundown…

A place to love
You could use all the big words to describe this city: stuning, breathtaking, amazing, overwhelming… But despite its size of 1.830,92 km² populated by (officially) more than 13 Mio. people (wikipedia says) Istanbul is much more about the small things. They…