Vitality of colours – an artistic friendship

Promenade (1913) von August Macke (1887 – 1914) – war zu sehen im Kunstmuseum Bonn in der Ausstellung „Eine Künstlerfreundschaft“ / Öl auf Leinwand, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunsthaus, München
What a display! August Macke & Franz Marc at Kunstmuseum Bonn – these paintings just speak for themselves. From dark to lively, bright and radiant. You could almost think there are more than two painters exhibited. The show displays very diverse styles and artistic expressions influenced by various tendencies in society, culture and art.
185 paintings, watercolors, drawings, objects and other documents from two very different artistic characters with different perspectives on the world and a diverse aesthetic point of view. Their art works are so variant and at the same time have so much in common, mutually inspiring each other since the time these two artists met. Macke only became 27, Marc died at age 36 – both lost their lives in World War One. I wonder what else both of them would have created.
Thanks for a wonderful exhibition, Kunstmuseum Bonn!